Life - I like juggling, going for long walks & long talks, sitting quietly, and listening to many kinds of music. Traveled across the U.S. for three months in 1991 when i moved from Massachusetts to California, and was in Sri Lanka for three years from 2002–2005. Now i enjoy living in community at Walnut St. Co-op in Eugene, Oregon. My home page has more about me, as does my personal Wagn.


Geek - My dad distracted me from playing computer games (on his company's teletype machine connection to an offsite mainframe) by offering to get me one of these new-fangled personal computers if i would go through some BASIC tutorials. I was thrilled with my Commodore PET, and even moreso when we upgraded it to 32K(!) RAM, more than i could imagine ever using.


Big picture - I have a long-running interest in the process arts, including Nonviolent Communication, open space, gift economics and of course wiki itself. All in the service of the culture shift toward more power-over ways of seeing, being and doing.



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